I have news of a couple of changes to my yoga classes at In the Moment, starting in April (which is almost upon us)

The Tuesday evening  classes remain as constant as ever and continue at 6:15 pm every Tuesday evening until I drop, so panic not 🙂

So what IS changing?

As of the beginning of April I will no longer be teaching a weekly Yin Yoga class on Wednesday evenings.Awwwww 🙁 – I know!!!!! But it seems my passion for the practice doesn’t seem to be widely shared, so time to try something else.

I am going to be offering a  MONTHLY, two hour, workshop style class kicking off a whole range of offerings called “My Healing Space” . This class will feature Yin & Yang yoga sequences, plus mantra, meditation and the ever popular Yoga Nidra. Each workshop will have a seasonal focus.

This class will be on the FIRST Wednesday of every month, and if it proves popular then I will take it up to fortnightly, but in the meantime classes will be on the following dates

Wednesdays 3rd April
1st May
5th June

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at In The Moment

The cost for this two hour class will be £10. Those using their six class ticket will pay an additional £3 for the class.

So, just what is involved?

Yin & Yang Yoga – Mindful asana practice. Working with the deeper connective tissues and energy channels.

Mantra – Using sound, chant and specific words and phrases to explore the power of vibration and intention

Meditation – Seated mindfulness practices, breathing, visualisation,

Yoga Nidra – A deep guided relaxation technique, often translated as “Yogic Sleep”. Longer than the usual relaxation in class, usually 20 -30 minutes. We also work with “Sankalpa”  – a resolve or affirmation. Deeply healing.
