Yoga Workshop for the Spring Equinox

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Too busy for yoga?

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photo by liewcf on

As yoga teachers, we ride the seasonal waves of classes that are full of enthusiastic yogis or  virtually empty – apart form the three stalwarts that make it rain or shine. New yoga teachers often take this personally. I know that I had a hard time with it when I started teaching. But over the years, as I have seen students come and go, and often come back again, I have learned to see it as part of the natural rhythm of teaching. In fact, it is the natural rhythm of life.

I also recognise that whilst a might be top of my list, for many people it is just one of the many things that fill their lives.

We all know how life happens. And it happens at such a pace, and with so many demands upon our time and attention that sometimes, the weekly Yoga class might just be  the first thing to make it into the trash folder.

I thought it might be interesting to look at some of the reasons that I have been given over the years, and break them down, to see if we can’t just give ourselves a little extra motivation to make it to yoga.  So the next few blog posts will be devoted to this topic.

#1 I’ve just been too busy

It’s a common mantra. I use it myself all the time, and sometimes I even believe myself. The truth is that if I really decided to, I could make space.

We are constantly switched on these days. Most of us carry a  Smartphone which keeps us connected via phone, text, e-mail  and social media 24/7. And this gives the illusion of having to do things all the time, so that there is never a point during the day when you are not available to work. If you are self-employed then I am guessing that this is even more the case.

E-mails arrive and demand our attention when we could be having a little downtime. Sometimes, that e-mail will ping into your inbox ten minutes before you are due to leave for your yoga class, and before you know it, you’ve missed class- again. I know how it goes, I’ve been there. Thankfully, as the teacher, I have the imperative of having to be at class, because it IS my work. How many of us have lost an hour, two hours, more – or Facebook or  YouTube and the like? We all know how these things suck us in.

I read a lighthearted blog post recently, by one of my favourite bloggers/teachers, Leonie Dawson. It was about how to make your creative ideas take shape but it can be applied to life in general. In fact, I have been applying to my life as much as possible over the past week or so.

“…And while we’re at it” she writes  “Get the f*** off the internet. No last Facebook checks to see if anything significant in your life (or anyone else’s) has changed. You have work to do…”

So if it helps – you can say to yourself “Get the f*** off the internet, you have Yoga to go to” Lightheartedly, of course!  🙂

This is my belief. And I know from my own practice that it is true. Firstly, we often sacrifice the very things that are good for us, before we sacrifice anything else in our lives.  I am not going to even  try and unravel the psychology of this, but it has a lot to do with the difference between the feelings of immediate comfort and gratification, and the benefits of long term physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. For example, my favourite comforter is hot, sweet soya-milky chai. And I could easily spend a yoga class’s worth on chai in a day, not to mention the hours sitting browsing Facebook in cafes…

Secondly, if you make time for yoga, you will be less busy. Really.  Because busy-ness is a state of mind. If you have a deadline, if you are working on a presentation, if you feel pressured to spend an extra hour in the office, if you just want to go home after a busy day and collapse on the couch with a glass of Pino Grigio, then COME TO YOGA instead. I guarantee you will feel better, less busy, less pressured and more able to tackle whatever it is that made you feel busy in the first place.

In the next instalment – reason not to come to yoga #2 “I can’t afford it”

Win Free Stuff – take my survey

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I will send you a FREE audio relaxation session by me if you fill out my survey on yoga classes in Glasgow. If you complete the survey you will also  be entered into a prize draw to win FREE yoga classes with me at In The Moment.

It’ll only take you a few minutes and it’ll help me hugely!

Thank you in advance xxx Jude


Click here to take survey

Business at Heart

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blog also appears at  and

“Every act of business can be an act of love.” Mark Silver, The Heart of Business 

As I mark a year in business with In the Moment , I celebrate what has manifested over the last twelve months. Things I would never have imagined when I started on my journey as a yoga teacher. One of things I have always celebrated about creating the space and the project is the organic and intuitive process that brought it all about, that brought me to the space and brought teachers into my life to share the vision. I have a vision that is based on integrity, non-violent communication and love. 

Yes, Love!

I never had a formal business plan. I did have a vision and a clear idea of what I wanted to create and who I wanted to help, and I had a clear handle on the finances. I originally applied for Social Enterprise funding – which I didn’t get because my desire to be integrated and help everyone wasn’t targeted at one specific group.  The point is, documents exist that formally communicate about my plans, I am not completely flying by the seat of my yoga pants. I just don’t have a “business plan”.

My commitment for this year was to focus more strategically on the marketing of the business and felt that I wanted to take advice. Easy. There’s lots of help out there for small businesses, right? Well… yes. But what I discovered was that there isn’t much help for someone with my business “model”, or with no business plan! One biggie is that I am not interested in growth. I don’t mean I am not interested  in expanding my business or catering to more people, or making money.  I mean I am not interested in the capitalist idea of growth. Actually, it would be more accurate to say I don’t align myself with the idea of growth. What I want to do is run a heart-centred business that also makes me enough money to live on. In normal business parlance – a “profit”. I don’t think my business is failing if my profit doesn’t get exponentially larger. 

I was excited recently by being offered  free mentoring by a local business organisation until I read this in the criteria : “Growth potential £100K to £250K within 3 years.” I turned the leaflet over checking that I had the one for small businesses! Apparently so. And apparently not for me!

Realising that business help was available to me only if I had  the sort of business that fits this idea of growth, I decided to help myself. The business was born that way, so it wasn’t a difficult thing to envisage. So I started looking online for business information from people that were running my sort of business. I found a site (recommended and endorsed) aimed at marketing for yoga businesses and studios.  I downloaded all the free stuff. Great!

Not great!

Every single piece of advice I read was stated in the negative. “Don’t do X” and “Stop doing Y” and “You’re probably not doing Z” 

I kept going. Maybe there are things that I am doing wrong?

And then I got to the bit that said – and I am paraphrasing ” Maybe your teaching isn’t good enough!”

OK. Enough. I have my own inner demons and critics without someone who is supposed to be HELPING ME jumping in on the act. And in a week where my despondency monsters were manifesting, it is not what I needed to hear. It’s not what anybody needs to hear. It’s not that I didn’t agree with the idea, necessarily. I believe sincerely that the teaching we offer in the centre should be high quality and I include myself. But there are other ways to say that, and better ways to motivate. 

It was then that I came across an article in a yoga magazine which was written by business coach. Via her recommendation I came across The Heart of Business. Now we were getting somewhere. Other people run heart-centred businesses! 🙂  I have been enjoying some of the generous downloads from this site over the past week. I also discovered Leonie Dawson  who embodies heart-centred business for women. I recommend both. 

Just those two resources turned my thinking completely. Somehow, despite my rejection of the traditional business model, I had managed to get caught up in thinking that I needed to be doing something different to be successful. And what I really needed to do was to continue to believe in what I was already doing. To do what Mark Silver calls The Remembrance . And to do more of what I know I am good at, and give more of what I have to offer. 

I discovered that my best business coach and mentor, is myself. 

“Your amazing life and amazing business doesn’t have to look like ANYONE else’s.That it doesn’t have to be about sacrifice and burn out and disconnection from those things you hold dearest: your family, your peace of mind, your spirit, your integrity, your time out. It can be crafted the way YOU love it. The way it makes YOU happy.” Leonie Dawson

Remover of Obstacles

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This post also appears at

I was teaching class on Wednesday night. It’s a class that hasn’t been very well attended. It is a Yin Yoga class and although my monthly Yin class is well attended by my regular students, this weekly class hasn’t really taken off. There are a number of reasons why this could be: Yoga teachers in general are feeling the bite at the moment; I know I should probably need to do some more targeted marketing; and if that doesn’t work, accept that perhaps Glasgow just isn’t ready for so much Yin and do something that people do want. There are lots of things I can do.

However, I have such a belief in this profound practice that every week, I show up and I “hold” the space for whoever comes. Sometimes there will be five people, sometimes just one. Every time, I remember to teach from the heart, and  mindfully acknowledge why I am there. And I always find that I can take joy in that one person who has come to receive the practice. I also have faith in my passion for and ability to teach the practice, and I have also been teaching long enough to know in my heart that it is not because people don’t want to be taught by me.

But on Wednesday night, when just two people came,  what was in my heart was despondency. This is a tough admission for a Yoga teacher, that we get pissed off like everyone else. That we feel sorry for ourselves like everyone else. That we sometimes feel hopeless. But I have learned over the years, and from the teachers that have taught me, and whose teaching I respect,  that one of the biggest gifts I can give as a teacher is to show that I am human.

As I began the practice, I felt this upwelling of emotion. I was feeling sorry for myself. It is at times like these, that I am thankful for my mindfulness practice, and I was able to do something with what I was feeling, in order to continue to hold the space, and teach.  As my students were attending to their breathing, I was attending to mine, aware that the feelings would pass.

As I sat, breathing, with my eyes closed I was suddenly aware of a bright luminosity and an image appearing before me. I became aware that I was seeing an image of Lord Shiva, the God of the Yogis. But then this image changed to one of his son, Ganesh, the Elephant headed God. It was nice to see him. He and I have not connected for a while, although during my studies in India, we were good friends 🙂

I sat and enjoyed the vision for a while and then realised, of course!  Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles.

Whether Ganesha was indeed appearing before me, or whether the image was a vibrant product of my own imagination is neither here nor there. I was being reminded of the obstacles that I was creating for myself by allowing this negative thinking to take hold, even for a moment. I was able then to move on with my teaching, joyfully, in the knowledge that I had a couple of pretty powerful assistants.

The next day, it also led me to think about  what the other obstacles might be, and not just the practical ones. My sister said to me the other day – talking about her own experiences- that it is often when we finally let go of something that we have been holding on to that we make the energetic space to allow other things to come into our lives. And sometimes when our energies are divided or scattered, then we are not 100% energetically committed to what we are doing at any one time.

So it is a time for clearing some space. I have begun to let go of some things. This isn’t necessarily an easy process. Letting go is never easy, even when it is about ridding yourself of something that is causing you pain. When it is something you love, then making space is even harder. Of course, the divide isn’t necessarily clear. We have all had experience of loving something that isn’t good for us!

This is where Ganesha can be a strong ally. And one of the ways that we can tap into his energy is by chanting.  It is common for a Ganesha mantra to be chanted at the beginning of an undertaking, and often at the beginning of yoga classes in some traditions. A few years ago I undertook a 40 day mantra discipline. Every morning at sunrise I got up, sat in meditation and did Japa – mantra chanting – of the Ganesha Mantra “Om Gam Ganapataye Namah”  I chanted 108 times ( one round of the mala) every day of 40 days.

I had no agenda in chanting. I didn’t hold any mental picture of what I would like to change. To be honest, I was conducting a bit of a personal experiment. And do you know what? It bloody worked! Within weeks, everything changed. Everything that was holding me back. Some would believe that it was intercession, some that it was some aspect of myself that was being manifested. Either way, obstacles were removed. Big time. Even some that I wasn’t even aware of. A reminder, I suppose of “Be careful what you wish for”.

I may or may not do the mantra again (mindful that obstacles may be removed that I wasn’t expecting!) but I  am going to be committed to cultivating that energy that does not create obstacles.

Valentine’s Day Special Offer

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Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re sharing the Love with a


Jude’s “Just One Day” personal retreat  is only £70 if booked and paid for between now and 14 March 2013

Retreat should be taken before June 2013

Click here for details

Going Deeper With Your Yoga Practice

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A series of monthly Saturday afternoon workshops with Jude

These longer classes will give you an opportunity to explore the deeper dimension of Yoga that you don’t always get in a general level class and will cover aspects of

  • Hatha Yoga practice: asana, pranayama, kriyas (cleansing exercises), mudras and  bandhas
  • Yoga philosophy
  • The energetic aspects of yoga: the chakras, the koshas
  • Meditation  practices
Suitable for anyone with a regular yoga practice


Saturday 9th February 2 -5 pm

Saturday 9th March 2-5 pm

Saturday 13th April 2-5 pm

Saturday 11th May 2-5 pm

£15 per workshop. £48 for all four paid in advance.


Live Kirtan- Sun 3rd Feb

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The only resolution you need – YOGA

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We all know about new year’s resolutions. We  resolve to lose weight, quit smoking or  take more exercise and within a short space of time, the impetus leaves us. This can feel like failure. Why set ourselves up for failure?

It doesn’t need to be like that. At In the Moment, our Yoga classes start back on Monday 7th January. Our skilled and compassionate teachers will give you all the support you need to discover that you only need ONE New year’s resolution this year! And if your body prefers to move in other ways, then the following week we have a full schedule of movement classes including Tai Chi, Biodanza and  Five Rhythms Dance.



Midwinter Stillness 15th January – join us

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